


Dec.31 Wed.

Today was the last day of this year.

I cleaned my house because my mother was working at her office.

I watched TV at night.

TV channel 3 broadcasted a sports program called Kakutougi.

I watched one of them, I was interested in it.

Jan.01 Thu.

Today was New Years Day.

I got up at ten o’clock.

I went to my grandmother’s house with my mother in the evening.

I met many relatives because my uncle’s family is living in my grandmother’s house.

I met my cousin’s baby.

I met her for the second time.

She had grown more than when I met her before.

She looked like a Japanese Kokeshi-doll.

Jan.02 Fri.

My friend invited me shopping in Ikebukuro.

I refused because I didn’t think that I would be able to get up early.

I went to a department store in Omiya and I bought my clothes on sale.


・I refuse to believe (that) this is happening. : こんなことが起きているなんて私は絶対信じません。
・I won’t lose. I refuse to lose. : 私は負けませんよ。負けてたまるか。


Jan.03 Sat.

I visited a shrine called Yasukuni shrine with my friend for the first time.

I was surprised that it wasn’t crowded because the shrine I visited every year was always very crowded.

Feb. 6 Fri.

I was very tired because I had an overtime job every day this week.

I am angry at one of my male colleagues because he replaced another full-time male employee who quit.

He came into my company two months ago, but he takes days off sometimes without calling.

And he didn’t come to the office this week, so we got a lot of jobs from him.

We are being troubled by him.

〇take a day off
・I’m taking the day off tomorrow to make up for last Sunday. : 明日は先週の日曜日の代休を取ります。


Feb. 7 Sat.

I met my friends.

I went to my friend house.

My friend gave birth to a boy 10 months ago.

So I met her husband and son.

When I met her son before, he was two weeks old.

Because he had grown so fast, I was surprised.

After that, we went to a restaurant and enjoyed talking for long time.


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